LOTOTO: A guide to lockout tagout tryout

In the realm of workplace safety, lockout tagout (LOTO) is a cornerstone in protecting workers from machinery risks and requires a comprehensive program to be adapted. Enter lockout tagout tryout (LOTOTO) – an essential element of your fundamental LOTO program. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore LOTOTO, its importance in ensuring workplace safety and specifically why the tryout step is so important.

LOTOTO meaning

One of the core six elements of an OSHA-compliant lockout tagout program is creating machine- and task-specific lockout tagout procedures. LOTOTO is just another way to refer to your lockout tagout procedures while putting special emphasis on testing.

Call it testing, trying out or verification, it all means the same thing. After following initial LOTO procedure steps of shutting down, isolating, blocking and securing hazardous energy sources, verification is needed to confirm that the energy source has been completely de-energized before maintenance or repairs are performed.

An individual applying a lockout device to a valve handle as part of their LOTOTO process.

Safety scenario: a preventable LOTO-related injury where tryout is missed

Let's imagine a scenario where a maintenance worker is assigned to perform routine maintenance on a conveyor belt system used in a manufacturing facility. The plant has a LOTO procedure in place, which requires all maintenance personnel to apply personal lockout devices to the main power switch of the equipment they are servicing. This procedure is designed to ensure that the equipment cannot be energized while maintenance is being performed.

The worker follows the initial steps of the LOTO procedure by shutting down the conveyor belt system and applying their personal lockout device to the main power switch. However, this worker neglects to perform a critical step in the procedure: trying out, or testing, the equipment to ensure it is indeed de-energized and cannot be started up again. The worker falsely assumes that since they have applied their lockout device, the system is safe.

While this maintenance worker is working on the conveyor belt, another worker, unaware of the maintenance activity, notices the conveyor belt system is off and assumes it's a malfunction. This worker goes to the control panel and attempts to restart the system. Because the worker performing maintenance has not tested the lockout with their own controls (a step that would have confirmed the system was properly isolated), the conveyor belt unexpectedly starts, and the maintenance worker is caught in the machinery, sustaining serious injuries.

LOTOTO procedures: decoding the 8 steps

LOTOTO, otherwise referred to as your lockout tagout procedures, involves an eight-step process to ensure the safe isolation of hazardous equipment and to comply with OSHA regulations. From preparation and notification to turning off, isolation, and applying locks, each step prevents accidental re-energization. The tryout step is significant, acting as a fail-safe to identify faults before maintenance or repair work so incidents, like described above, don’t happen.

  1. Step 1: Notify Affected Employees

  2. Step 2: Identify Procedure and Hazards

  3. Step 3: Shut Down

  4. Step 4: Isolate Machine from Energy Source

  5. Step 5: Apply Lockout Tagout Devices

  6. Step 6: Check Stored Energy

  7. Step 7: Verify Isolation, Tryout and Test

  8. Step 8: Bring Equipment Back On Line

LOTOTO training: Empowering the workforce

To implement LOTOTO, comprehensive training is paramount. LOTOTO training courses familiarize workers with safe practices dealing with hazardous energy. This includes working with machine- and task-specific procedures that are instrumental in protecting workers from unforeseen circumstances during service or maintenance work, including the critical lockout tagout tryout steps.

Two employees walking through an LOTOTO training course to ensure their knowledge is up to date.

Legal implications: Meeting best practices and legislation

In the United States, adherence to lockout tagout procedures is not just a best practice; it's a legal requirement. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates the implementation of proper energy control procedures, as outlined in OSHA Standard 1910.147. Failure to comply can result in penalties and legal consequences for employers.

The OSHA standard requires employers to establish and implement an energy control program, including written procedures, employee training, and periodic inspections. LOTOTO, with its emphasis of testing through the tryout phase, aligns with compliance requirements for OSHA Standard 1910.147.

Accident prevention as a joint responsibility

LOTOTO emphasizes joint responsibility for accident prevention. Implementing a strategy safeguards workers and shields businesses from catastrophic consequences. Adequate training is crucial in ensuring seamless LOTOTO implementation.

By understanding failures, adopting comprehensive training and embracing an enhanced energy isolation system, businesses create a safer environment. LOTOTO is a commitment to protecting lives and ensuring the longevity of businesses in an increasingly complex industrial landscape.

Lockout padlock attached to an electrical panel showcasing proper lototo procedures.

Partner with Brady for LOTOTO

At Brady, we recognize the paramount importance of workplace safety, especially in the implementation of the LOTOTO system. Our expertise lies in providing comprehensive solutions that go beyond traditional protocols.

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Product Recommendations

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Learn more about lockout tagout

Lockout tagout procedures pamphlet hanging next to control panels in a warehouse.

Lockout Tagout Procedures

Explore the intricacies of lockout tagout procedures, covering fundamental principles, implementation guidelines and the pivotal role of employee training in ensuring workplace safety.

Learn how to master lockout tagout
Lockout tagout device being tested as part of a LOTOTO procedure.

6 Elements to an OSHA-Compliant Lockout Tagout Program

Navigate OSHA's Lockout Tagout regulations with insights on building a robust program for effective hazardous energy control and workplace safety compliance.

Implement a strong LOTO program
Lockout device attached to a breaker panel completing the LOTOTO process.

What is Lockout Tagout?

Gain insights into the vital components of Lockout Tagout (LOTO), encompassing OSHA guidelines, program essentials, and yearly audits, fostering a secure workplace and adherence to safety standards.

Use lockout tagout to safeguard your workplace