BBP12 Firmware Upgrade V2.06

Firmware Upgrade Steps
Note: In order to upgrade the firmware of your BBP12 you will need access to a PC and the Diagnostic Tool which can be obtained via Knowledge Base 7390.

1.) Download the to your PC and extract the zip file.
2.) Open the Diagnostic Tool with the printer connected via USB (the printer driver must also be installed and functioning)
3.) Select the "Command Tool" tab
4.) Select "Send File" on the lower left
5.) Navigate to the location of the extracted firmware in step 1 and select the file named "BBP12_VA2.06_EZD.NEW"
6.) Click "Send" on the lower left to upgrade the firmware
7.) The display on the printer will show the progress of the update.
8.) Once completed close the diagnostics tool.
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BBP12 Firmware Upgrade V2.06